

For concerns regarding your account, email us at ictd@mseuf.edu.ph.

Alumni Registration

Message (Alumni Management System)
Our dear alumni,

Kumusta kayo? Thank you for taking the time to register to our Alumni Management System (AMS). AMS databases provide a valuable source of information for our University in providing programs for alumni and for tracking purposes.

So, we appeal for your cooperation by providing your most recent status. Rest assured that your Alma Mater is compliant with Republic Act 10173 or the Data Privacy Act 2012. Through our Data Privacy Officer, Katrina Ruth L. Avillo, your registered information will be lawfully used.

We have government and industry partners who request list of graduates and contact details. Should you want to be considered as applicants to their job posts, please give us your consent by answering YES to the following question:

I am giving consent to MSEUF to share the following information:

  • Contact Numbers
  • Email Address
  • Work Address